Articles - Register Your Car In Spain

Important information relating to the prcess of registering your car in Spain.

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Best Strategy To Import Vehicle Into Spain

Guide to Importing a Vehicle into Spain

This guide is for you if you want to move to Spain or just Import Vehicle Into Spain for a long-term stay. It can be quite complicated but when done with the right information and guidance, importing a vehicle into Spain can go smoothly and quickly. In this article we will give step by step instructions on how to import a car into Spain which includes required documentation, customs procedures and important considerations among others. So let’s get started!

Understanding the Import Process

Importation of vehicles in Spain follows various steps and procedures; it is good that one have an idea of what they are so as not encounter any problems during importation process. Here are the main stages:

Research Import Regulations: Before bringing your car or motorcycle into Spanish territory find out all necessary rules pertaining imports. Read about laws established by local authorities in order for everything to go smoothly.

Choose Right Import Method: There exist two main ways through which vehicles can be brought temporary importation method or permanent method; each has its own uniqueness depending on somebody’s desires needs and requirements.

Prepare The Vehicle: Ensure that your vehicle meets Spanish standards otherwise it will not be allowed entry at any cost! This entails ensuring compliance with safety regulations among other things, emission levels etc.. If need arises make necessary changes so as meet these demands before leaving home country.

Get Required Documents: To successfully bring motorbike/ auto-mobile into this country there are certain papers needed; original title document showing ownership of bought item purchase invoice receipt all showing where what was paid for who owns it now including identification details such as passport number date issued etc..

Transport The Vehicle: Ship your car using sea freight services; airfreight companies could also do international deliveries depending on distance from origin country up-to destination within Europe continent (i.e., Barcelona).

Clear Customs: When motorbike/car arrives at any port city like Malaga or Valencia etc., some customs clearance has to be done. At time of clearance one must produce all required papers pay applicable customs duties taxes as well follow other laid down procedures.

Register The Vehicle: After going through the border post, ensure that you register the car within Spanish territory by obtaining license plates and insurance covers among others.

Pay Customs Duties and Taxes: You may have to pay customs duties and taxes depending on the value and type of vehicle. These charges differ from one another depending on the age, engine capacity as well as the emission level of a car.

Submit The Required Documents: Besides the form for customs declaration, other necessary paperwork has to be produced as mentioned earlier like an original vehicle title deed or registration certificate; purchase invoice/ receipt; proof that it belongs to someone else if applicable among others which shall be explained below.

Vehicle Inspection: There are times when an examination is done physically by officers from customs authority themselves who come with authorized technicians in order to ascertain whether safety standards concerning emissions have been met or not.

Receive Customs Release: Once all steps related to clearing through custom are completed including payment of relevant fees then you will be issued with this document authorizing your automobile being registered elsewhere.

Importing A Vehicle Into Spain – Taxes And Duties

There are certain taxes that need paying when importing a car into Spain. These taxes depend on factors such as its value, age, engine size and emissions among others. Here is what they entail:

Value Added Tax (VAT): This is a tax imposed on goods and services based upon their worth. Therefore, Spanish version requires VAT payment which currently stands at 21%; this percentage applies directly onto total price tag of imported vehicles.

Special Tax on Certain Means of Transport (IEDMT): IEDMT represents additional charges levied against those cars having high CO2 discharge levels especially those equipped with large engines. In terms of amount charged IEDMT varies accordingly i.e., depending upon how much pollution each particular model emits into air during operation period plus other criteria like cubic centimeters swept volume etcetera but there exist minimum maximum limits too.

Customs Duties: In case person wishes bringing his/her automobile from non-European Union country where he resides permanently or temporarily then additional levies must be paid called customs duties. The amount varies depending on such things as place where vehicle was made or assembled plus applicable tariff rates.

It should be noted that these charges can make considerable differences with respect to total cost associated with bringing motor car into Spain. For this reason, you might want to seek advice from either tax consultant or professional who specializes in dealing with matters relating to duties levied by border control agents.

Vehicle Registration In Spain

Once your car has been imported into Spain and cleared through customs, there are several steps which need following so as to have it registered under local jurisdiction. Below is what should happen during vehicle registration:

Get Spanish License Plate: Before anything else, one must obtain a Spanish registration number plate for their newly acquired truck/van/motorcycle etcetera. To do so, they have to provide necessary documentation at nearest Traffic Department office; pay prescribed fees then get issued with VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) after which move on towards next stage.

Pay Registration Fees: Registering any type of motorized transport within national boundaries attracts certain charges known as registration fees whose amounts depend upon different variables like age category engine capacity fuel type being used among others. Therefore, it would better if an individual could contact relevant local authorities responsible for administering traffic rules so that they explain more about applicable rates basing on specific circumstances surrounding particular case under consideration at hand.

Obtain Insurance Coverage: Third party liability insurance cover is a mandatory requirement before registering any automobile in Spain thus prior enrolling yours must ensure having obtained appropriate policy from recognized company offering such services within this country otherwise you may find yourself being denied permission even though everything else seems perfect according official requirements outlined by Traffic Department officials thereat time being.

Pass Vehicle Inspection: As part of the process involved in registering vehicles some areas conduct technical inspections referred to as ITV which stands for Inspección Técnica de Vehículos aimed at verifying whether cars meet set safety standards concerning emissions etcetera.

Complete the enrolment process: When you have got the Spanish license plate, paid for registration charges, insured your vehicle and passed the car inspection then you can finish up with this process. This entails handing in relevant documents and taking a registration certificate.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Importing a Vehicle into Spain

Q1: Can I bring any car to Spain?

A1: Yes. You can import any kind of vehicle to Spain including cars, motorcycles, boats or campervans but make sure that it meets safety standards as well as emission levels required by Spanish law.

Q2: How long does it take to import?

A2: The duration may range from few days up-to several weeks depending on freight method used; customs formalities followed through with and if necessary – after arrival at destination – undergoing inspection by designated authority thereat which ordinarily takes anything between one day upto three months approximately.

Q3: Can I clear goods myself at port or should I hire Customs Agent?

A3: Although possible doing it alone without hiring anyone for assistance but engaging services of Customs Agents or Professional Import/ Export firms will greatly simplify procedures involved while ensuring full compliance with all laid down rules of law during such an exercise. They will help in preparing necessary documents needed for clearance purposes against different steps taken; also advice on matters relating to customs processes throughout the entire importing period thus making everything easier & better understood.

Q4: Are there limitations regarding left-hand drive vehicle imports into Spain?

A4: No specific restrictions exist regarding left-hand drive vehicles imported into Spain. However, ensure they meet safety standards and emission levels demanded by Spanish authorities concerned with this matter.

Q5: Is temporary importation allowed?

A5: Yes. Temporary admission is granted where vehicles are brought into country temporarily i.e., intended for short stay durations within its borders; usually catering for tourists who would wish using their own cars while visiting various places here and there.

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